Branding A variety of collateral designed for a government agency. PUBLICATION DESIGNPrint publications for various transport studiesINFOGRAPHICSIllustrations related to public transportTECHNICAL ILLUSTRATIONIllustrations to explain complex conceptsCONCEPT ILLUSTRATION3D architectural site conceptsBRANDINGA collection of identity and branding3D MODELLINGHard-surface 3D vehicle modellingCONCEPT ILLUSTRATION3D illustration of a proposed rail stationGRAPHIC DESIGNA variety of collateral designed for a government agencyTECHNICAL ILLUSTRATIONInstructional line artINFOGRAPHICSA series of stylised vector maps3D MODELLINGArchitectural illustrations